Art in Shops,
ArtWalkPorty Festival 2024
Another new art adventure begins, today is hanging day, the 8 selected artworks & seaweed pendants are removed from the car & carried into the venue, Twelve Triangles Portobello. Deep breath, you can do this!
The art is unpacked, positioned, repositioned, final layout decided, fixtures inserted, exhibition wall & window installed. Great team effort, big thanks to Nic, Karl & Jim.
Now to relax, collect a ArtWalkPorty Festival Map & plan the art & events going to visit 7th-15th September. Just noticed my venue included in Art Houses & Art in Shops Walk 2.
Enjoyable couple of hours chatting to folks about seaweed & art, sold few prints too 🥳
#ArtWarkPorty #TwelveTriangkes #Art #Seaweed #FoundObjectArt

CAP End Year Show
Custom House June 2024
What a fantastic experience to be part of the Contemporary Art Practice Course, Leith School Art end of year show. To see a small part of our hard work on show & people wandering around the gallery enjoying what they were seeing, was such a buzz.
Thanks to everyone who visited the show & especially to those who took the time to closely examine my work, discuss the process & their lovely feedback.
Seaweed & found object art was definitely new to some & a few noted that they would now have a different perspective when walking along the beach. When I discussed Land Art & my plans to place form sculpture back from whence the materials were found, the response was often a quizzical look, then wow what a great idea.
To anyone who is thinking of studying at Leith School of Art, I’d say go for it.